How I Started to Live a Fully Expressed Life

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There’s your life, then there’s the life other people want for you.

Are you living the life you desire to live or the life other people want for you?

When was the last time you took risks?

When was the last time you did something that scared you?

On June 29th, 11 years ago, I received the most earth-shattering phone call of my life.

It was my aunt telling me to

“Hurry up and get here!!! She’s dying.”

My cousin Lyna, who was like the best friend and big sister I never had was about to her 4 year battle with leukemia. I was devastated. I lived in New York and she lived in Virginia. There were no flights available so I got in the car with my mom and siblings and we booked as fast we could. 2 hours before I arrived at her home, I received a second phone call. This time with waling cries and wrenching hearts. Lyna passed.

For years on this day, I would keep busy and avoid feeling the guilt that I got to live past 20 and she didn’t.

The guilt that I couldn’t be there during this big transition she was making as she was leaving her body.

But over the years, this guilt slowly morphed into gratitude and joy.

I realized she was one of my greatest teachers.

Throughout her life,

she taught me how to face death.

Through her death,

she taught me how to live.

Of course, I had to go on my own journey to get here but it was her guidance by the example of how she lived her life that guided me when I didn’t know which direction to go.

Too many people are dying to live and living to die.

Don’t be so afraid to live that you’re filled with regrets before you die. Don’t be afraid to start the project you’ve always wanted, to go on that soul-quenching solo journey, to be in that relationship, to say yes to spontaneity and new adventures.

Don’t be so afraid to die that you’re filled with regrets you didn’t live. Don’t be afraid to take risks, to walk the lesser-known path, to face what scares you, to say no to what no longer serves you, to surrender your plans for God’s greater plans.

Lyna jumped off a plane 12 days before she passed. She knew deep down that she had very little time left so she planned her own funeral and turned it into a colorful party. And ultimately, when she took her last breath, I know there were no regrets.

She was ready.

She faced head-on the one thing many fear — death.

Death is a teacher.

It teaches us how to live.

I am blown away by how much she teaches me even to this day.

She taught me how to live a fully expressed life and today,

I celebrate and honor her life by sharing the special gift she is with you.

The best way to honor someone’s life who has passed is to fully live yours.

All my love,


I recorded a podcast episode called Live Your Life.

Listen on my favorite platform to tune into music and podcasts - Spotify.


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