the key to inner peace

The key to inner peace is to

find value in the journey,

rather than the destination.

Find value in the process,

rather than the result.

If you do not have inner peace, how do you enjoy the riches that this world has to offer?

Inner peace is attainable even in the busy, fast-paced modern world we live in today.

You don’t have to be a monk living in temples or a yogi in the Himalayan mountains to attain inner peace.

Even as a householder, someone who has bills to pay, kids to feed, and a job that

generates your income — you already have peace within you.

While this is true, this knowingness isn’t something the brain will believe if we stay fixated on the destination or the result, rather than the journey and the process along the path. When I do an inventory of how I’ve spent my life, the times that I’ve been the most overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious were the times when I was expecting a certain outcome or result before I was even ready for it.

I would be so fixated on the result of getting somewhere,

that I wouldn’t pay attention to what was unfolding in the process.

Life felt like a whirlwind.

And I wondered why I felt like a hamster living inside of a wheel that wouldn’t stop spinning.

Then I realized if I truly desired to live an enriching life, that it means there are lessons that I’m here to take time to learn along the way. I learned that it might take me longer but it’s not about how fast I get there —

it’s about capturing the moment and the hidden gems that

live inside of them.

How can we attain inner peace if we cannot find joy in what’s right in front of us?

If we seek to jump to the next moment before we learn the lesson in this current moment?

If we sprint so fast to the finish line that we lose sight of all the valuable lessons the Universe was showing us on the sidelines?

When we practice meditation, we learn how to slow down our thinking.

When we slow down our thoughts, we create spaces between them.




and clarity creates clear direction.

When you focus on the destination, you create the illusion that your time is limited and that you’re running out which causes stress and anxiety.

You deserve a life filled with peace, prosperity, vibrant energy, joy, success, and meaning.

Instead of focusing only on the destination or the result,

ask yourself, what were the valuable lessons you’ve learned along the way and how will these lessons contribute to the next step?

If you’re ready to take the next step, increase your energy and focus on what matters and create a thriving life of possibility so you can feel peace and joy in every fiber of your being— look into my 90-day holistic program, Prosperous: School of Self-realization and enroll in the next round. Learn more here.


All my love,



lasting joy


a new way to view time