a new way to view time

Time is of the Essence 

If you desire more of it~

let time take time.

How would your life change if your relationship with time changed too? 

I once read this saying that "time is a thief, it never gets caught." 

I'm sure this isn't the first time you have heard that "time is a thief". 

We grew up conditioned by society with this unconscious ingrained belief that we don't have enough time

We rush to grow up. 

We wake up by alarm clocks versus the rhythm of our bodies. 

We rush to school before the bell rings.

We burn our tongues rushing to down the coffee.

We rush to get the best deals and sales.

We rush to meet work deadlines even if it means it burns us out.

And before we know it, our entire life passes by and everything feels like a blur. 

You see, it's not that time is a thief.

The real thief is the conditioned unconscious part of our minds that believes we

don't have enough time.

Time is an illusion. It's our way of functioning and communicating in a society but it doesn't have to 

define how we live our precious lives.

One of the first changes students noticed from attending the Royal Glow Meditation Retreat was that their relationship with time changed. 

They learned how to be deeply present with the moment which expanded the time right in front of them.

They stopped measuring their life by what they achieved in a week or a day.

They started to spend more moments marveling at the life that

unfolding right before their eyes.

They learned how to sink safely into their bodies and feel what was presenting itself to them.

They learned how to receive the medicine of their own breath. 

You can expand time by:

-being present with the moment in front of you

-understanding the root of where the rush to get somewhere stems from

-slowing down your breath

When you slow down your breathing, you slow down your mind, you slow down your relationship with time.

Each moment feels crystal clear. You no longer skim on the surface of life but you dive deep.

This manifests in the quality of your relationships, work and creativity.

Your relationship with time will change the moment that you open yourself up to what's right in front of you. 

“Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is 

always arrived at in the immediate moment."

- Alan Watts 

What is your relationship with time?

What will you do to shift your perspective with time?

I hope this note serves as a reminder that you have more time than you think.

If you have a dream, fulfill it. Take your time to take time and time will take care of you.

All my love,



the key to inner peace


How I Started to Live a Fully Expressed Life