lasting joy

I spent a large chunk of human life thinking I wanted to find happiness and here’s what that journey taught me.

Happiness isn’t what you find,

it’s what you remember.

As human beings, we’re equipped with mysterious brains that can be easily programmed to adopt behaviors, patterns, and personalities. One of the ways many of us learn behaviors is through the media we watch. Like many of you growing up, I’d spend my evenings after finishing my homework watching movies that all had very similar story lines: it starts with the main character seeking happiness through relationships, more money, a new job, a new wardrobe, and a new house.

There is one common denominator to all of the above:

they are all something we are chasing outside of ourselves.

And when you chase what’s outside of you,

you are forgetting what’s been within you all along.

This chase is a long and often painful road full of attachments to a finish line that will move the moment you reach it. It’s the very reason why when we get what we want, it’s often never enough. We want more.

These days, numbers are ruling our lives.

From iPhone 6 to the iPhone 13, to the numbers on our social media accounts, to the numbers in our bank account~ We want more.

The truth about numbers is that they never end. If it takes higher numbers to make you happy, then your search for happiness will also never end. This isn’t to say that you can’t want more. It is part of our human nature to have desires and desire more.

Without our innate and deepest driving desires, we would not be advancing human evolution or consciousness. You are here to be a prosperous example of the Divine, but you are not here to be possessed by what’s outside of you. It’s when we believe that happiness is found outside of ourselves, that we lose sight of what’s already within.

This is why I say I am not here to find happiness.

I am here to re-member it.

I am here to exude the Eternal bliss that is already within me.

Happiness is vital to our health.

So how do you remember that you are joy?

Take time to discover yourself and your own inner world. There is so much to learn about you and once you become courageous enough to face yourself, you will meet another inner dimension that will teach you everything you came here to learn. That dimension is your own Inner Wisdom. It is here to guide you when the outside world feels uncertain, to remind you who you are beyond your identity, and to be the beacon of Light that will show you the way forward before you intellectually know which steps to take.

There is a catch.

Your Inner Wisdom is very gentle and quiet.

It does not scream.

It does not compete.

It can be only be accessed through deep presence.

Only you can determine if it’s worthwhile to slow down enough to make space for it.

Be happy first and see if the rest follows.

Don’t believe me~ try for yourself.


All my love,



[new video] the simple ingredients for a joyful life


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