101: Find peace in the modern world


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About the Episode

What happens to our phones and computers when we use it all day? What happens to our browsers when we open too many tabs? What happens to our car when it runs out of fuel? What happens to animals and trees in the winter time?

Everything that exists in nature or even in the man-made world must recharge in it’s own natural rhythm in order to continue it’s life cycle. This is important so that it can function at it’s most optimal level, otherwise, it runs out of energy.

So why is it that as human beings, many leave themselves out of the equation and how can we change this? If you have been considering attending a wellness retreat, this is your sign you’re ready for it.

From notifications buzzing on our phones, to emails, texts, and keeping up with the latest trends; our human civilization has become busier, more plugged in, and moving more quickly than ever before. Meditation and mindfulness has become increasingly popular for those seeking solitude and peace while wellness retreats become the solution. Retreats are unique because they are immersive and allow you to truly unplug, while harmonizing your wellbeing back to it’s natural rhythm. In this episode, we explore 8 reasons why attending wellness retreats help you to find peace in a modern world.

Visit www.sandyvo.com/royalglowretreat

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100: Good for the soul